i feel like myself.
no no i didn't feel like this before. i felt like something was missing,like poorly framed, about to fall off
dead skin, peeled off my arm, something like that. you get the picture.
today i laughed with frank ocean in the background and talked to myself in the car.
i had good conversations with the roads.
i have good times with myself.
i wanna go back to museums
to escaping people and
what they know of me.
what they think i am.
i am back to being me. the me i always wanted to be.
the one that sits deep within and with a fragile mind meditates
on such issues like art
or how deep the universe could be.
the one who appreciates the effort and the romanticism of solitude.
i just told somebody
this is gonna be a lonely time
but it's gonna be so good for me